- 壯陽藥哪個好?
藥師建議,若行房頻率約一週一次者,建議可選擇短效的威而鋼與樂威壯;若一週行房約二至三次者,則建議選擇長效性的犀利士,單次藥效可持續24至36小時,較符合使用需求。 若有行房時間的壓力,需要盡快勃起,建議可選用樂威壯或者每天固定時間服用一顆低劑量犀利士,樂威壯藥效反應時間短,約15分鐘即可見效。犀利士每日錠每天固定服用藥效更穩定,更自然。
最後, 服藥不適應立即停藥:服藥期間一旦出現身體嚴重不適,如昏眩、心臟不適,應立即至醫院檢查。
- 男性性功能障礙治療與復健 5種可行方式
- 男性性功能障礙,想必大家第一個想到的科別就是找泌尿科,然而許多時候復健科也能在許多層面上與泌尿科一同合作,讓患者得到更完善的治療:
- 1.骨盆底肌訓練:和其他肌肉一樣,治療性的訓練可以讓骨盆肌肉更協調的收縮,進而改善功能。
- 2.真空吸引負壓助勃器:把助勃器外管套在陰莖上,利用負壓作用被動式的讓陰莖血流量增加,進而達到復健目的。通常都是在口服藥物效果不佳時才考慮採用。考慮到可能有過度充血損傷或疼痛等副作用,因此需要醫師評估後才可購買及使用。
- 3.陰莖海綿體注射治療:在陰莖海綿體上注射前列腺素(PGE1)也是勃起障礙治療方式之一,但打針相對侵入性較大且疼痛,一般人接受程度比較不高。
- 4.植入人工陰莖:因手術風險所造成的器質性勃起障礙患者,如果前幾項治療方式都未能獲得明顯效果,則可透過人工陰莖植入手術,以人工陰莖取代原有的海綿體改善勃起功能。
- 5.低能量體外震波治療:為最新勃起功能障礙治療方式,此治療利用低能量體外震波設備之探頭,發出低能量震波針對陰莖海線體或會陰部進行治療,剌激陰莖海線體或骨盆腔內產生血管新生,改善局部血流循環,讓缺氧的軟組織恢復血液供給,進而使勃起功能改善及增加勃起硬度。壯陽藥屈臣氏,蝦皮壯陽藥,壯陽藥效果,壯陽藥中藥,不用處方簽的壯陽藥,壯陽藥萬寧,壯陽藥dcard,壯陽藥吃太多,壯陽藥dcard,不用處方簽的壯陽藥,蝦皮壯陽藥,壯陽藥副作用比較,壯陽藥品牌,壯陽藥吃太多,壯陽藥犀利士,壯陽藥效果
- Which aphrodisiac is better?
- Currently clinically available aphrodisiac drugs: Sildenafil, Vardenafil and Tadalafil have roughly the same principle of action.
- The pharmacist suggested that if the frequency of intercourse is about once a week, it is recommended to choose short-acting Viagra and Leweizhuang; if the frequency of intercourse is about two to three times a week, it is recommended to choose long-acting Cialis, which has a single effect It can last for 24 to 36 hours, which is more in line with the needs of use. If you have the pressure of intercourse time and need to get an erection as soon as possible, it is recommended to choose Leweizhuang or take a low-dose Cialis at a fixed time every day. Leweizhuang has a short reaction time and takes about 15 minutes to see results. Cialis daily pills are more stable and more natural when taken every day.
- Which aphrodisiac is better?
- Each drug has its own characteristics, there is no such thing as the best or better. Only when the patient compares the experience of taking it and records the characteristics of the drug in detail, can you compare which one is effective for you!
- Note that everyone has a different physique and needs different medicines, so there is no absolute one medicine is best, the one that suits you is the best!
- Is there a difference in the time of taking aphrodisiac drugs?
- Viagra recommends taking it half an hour to one hour before intercourse, and the effect can reach 4-6 hours; as for Leweizhuang, the absorption is faster, and the effect will be effective if taken 15 to 30 minutes beforehand; while the effect of Cialis can be It lasts for 36 hours, so it is ok to take it 2-3 hours in advance, take one tablet before dinner, the effect has already appeared after the meal, and you can have sex at any time! No stress!
- In addition, Leviathan has strong pharmacology. If you do not respond well to other drugs, you can also try to use Leviagra as a second-line drug. If the patient has a chronic disease that affects sexual function, Cialis can be taken in small doses every day, and there is no need to take it after eating. If you need to buy Viagra, Cialis or Leviathan, this site (www.poxet.net) sells generic Indian drugs, the price is affordable and the effect is the same as the original one, welcome to order!
- Is it suitable for patients with chronic diseases to take it regularly every day?
- Clinically, different drugs will be given depending on the patient’s condition. The drugs that patients with chronic diseases need to take every day may have an impact on sexual function. However, the causes of various chronic diseases are very complicated, not only involving the patient’s own physical condition, but also the severity of the disease. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly abide by the doctor’s instructions.
- Aphrodisiac contraindications must be known
- Aphrodisiac drugs act on the cavernous body of the penis, which will relax the blood vessels and muscles of the cavernous body, resulting in an erection effect. However, for patients with cardiovascular disease, if they take aphrodisiac drugs without a doctor’s evaluation, they may interact with the original chronic disease drugs and strengthen the relaxation of blood vessels and muscles. In serious cases, blood pressure may drop too quickly, causing the heart to be overwhelmed. risk of sudden death.
- Finally, if you are not suitable for taking the medicine, stop the medicine immediately: once you experience serious physical discomfort during the medicine, such as dizziness and heart discomfort, you should go to the hospital for examination immediately.
- Legal aphrodisiac drugs on the market, such as the familiar “little blue pill” Viagra, or Cialis and other legal Taiwan-made drugs with the same ingredients, are all prescription drugs.
- Treatment and Rehabilitation of Male Sexual Dysfunction 5 Feasible Ways
- For male sexual dysfunction, the first department that everyone thinks of is urology. However, in many cases, the rehabilitation department can also cooperate with the urology department on many levels, so that patients can get better treatment:
- 1. Pelvic floor muscle training: Like other muscles, therapeutic training can make the pelvic muscles contract more harmoniously, thereby improving function.
- 2. Vacuum suction negative pressure erection aid: put the outer tube of the erection aid on the penis, and use the negative pressure to passively increase the blood flow of the penis, thereby achieving the purpose of rehabilitation. It is usually only considered when oral medications are not working well. Considering that there may be side effects such as excessive hyperemia, injury or pain, it needs to be evaluated by a physician before purchasing and using it.
- 3. Penile cavernous body injection treatment: Injecting prostaglandin (PGE1) into the penile cavernous body is also one of the treatment methods for erectile dysfunction, but the injection is relatively invasive and painful, and the general acceptance is not high.
- 4. Implantation of artificial penis: For patients with organic erectile dysfunction caused by surgical risks, if the previous treatment methods fail to achieve obvious results, artificial penis implantation surgery can be performed to replace the original cavernous body Improve erectile function.
- 5. Low-energy extracorporeal shock wave therapy: It is the latest treatment method for erectile dysfunction. This treatment uses the probe of low-energy extracorporeal shock wave equipment to send out low-energy shock waves to treat the hamstring or perineum and stimulate the hamstring or bone. Angiogenesis occurs in the pelvic cavity, improves local blood circulation, and restores blood supply to hypoxic soft tissues, thereby improving erectile function and increasing erection hardness.
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